Book a complimentary safety or leadership assessment
anywhere in the world.

Why Indelta International

Indelta International makes high-risk organizations safer by reducing preventable errors, through our proprietary learning systems platform and comprehensive leadership assessment and training and healthcare education.

Indelta has two papers published in medical journals attesting to our success in Patient Safety.

ASA Abstract.pdf

CRM Abstract.pdf

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Make your organization safer &
develop better leadership.

As technology has advanced, it has become clear that designers must consider the needs of all users across many platforms in different contexts.

Global Safety Management

Indelta International helps clients successfully deploy the CRM approach.

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Healthcare Education

A solution is proposed, from here you can action the plan with just outline assistance.

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Leadership Training

To be effective within organizations, leaders must have a strong understanding of the unique leadership and management issues they face.

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Indelta Checklists

Checklists provide a backup to human memory during routine and emergency procedures.

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Indelta International has satisfied customers ranging from a helicopter company in Taupo, New Zealand to a cancer center in Milan, Italy.

Contact us

Lessons from the Flight Deck™ provides the foundation for the Indelta family of services. We look forward to sharing more about them with you.

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Contact us

Lessons from the Flight Deck™ provides the foundation for the Indelta family of services. We look forward to sharing more about them with you.

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